On 6-7 June 2013, the Euro-Asian Law Congress is held. This will be the seventh session this year, during which experts from different countries will discuss the most topical issues of international cooperation, its legal forms and improvement of legislation.

The seventh session of the Congress took place on 6-7 June 2013 in Yekaterinburg. The theme of the session: "The Law of the World Trade Organisation: impact on economies and legislation in the Euro-Asian region". Participants will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts from the World Trade Organisation: advisers, academics from the European Union, as European countries have a long history of interaction within the WTO. In addition, our Asian partners are expected. You already know that China is already a member of the WTO as well as a number of other economically developed and developing countries. Leading scientists from the United States and, of course, Russia are participating. We are expecting about three hundred representatives of science, business, and government authorities.

· WTO law and the challenges of implementing the national security concept of individual states;
· WTO law as a tool to ensure inter-state partnership and integration in the field of economy, finance, taxation and customs relations in the Euro-Asian region;
· Russian civil law and international legal instruments;
· international economic and legal cooperation of EurAsEC, SCO and EU member states in the context of WTO accession;
· mechanisms for conflict resolution in an evolving context of international economic and legal cooperation;
· Harmonisation of labour and social security legislation in the Euro-Asian region in the context of the WTO;
· the impact of instability in world markets on the creation of a crime situation in the Euro- Asian region;
· Monitoring the effectiveness of anti-corruption enforcement in the Euro-Asian legal area: procedures, criteria, evaluation of results;
· Universalisation and fragmentation of international legal regulation in the context of the WTO and international integration alliances.
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